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Senin, 22 Oktober 2012

Aurora 3D Barcode Generator 2.10.10 Full Crack

Aurora 3D Barcode Generator 2.10.10 Full Crack
Aurora 3D Barcode Generator 2.10.10 Full Crack adalah aplikasi yang dapat Anda gunakan untuk membuat barcode secara professional dengan banyak tipe barcode yang dapat Anda pilih dan sesuaikan sesuai keinginan Anda. Dengan Aurora 3D Barcode Generator Anda dapat mendesain/ membuat barcode secara mudah dan cepat dari template barcode yang telah tersedia, lalu Anda bisa sesuaikan dan hasilnya dapat Anda ekspor ke bentuk PNG, JPG, BMP, TIFF, EPS, SVG.

Key Features:
  • Very easy to use, wizard-style operation, 3 steps to complete bar code design, don’t need learning can be used.
  • 30+ bar code templates to choose from, including including QR Code, Code 39, Code 128, Interleaved 2 of 5, UPC / EAN, Data Matrix etc,.
  • Can be set to barcode data, barcode color, and whether to display the auxiliary text, and the text font, color can be set.
  • Barcode height, width, clearance can be set. and the Border type include: No, Bind, Box,
  • Different barcode templates can be select different parameters and type selection. For example: QR Code can be set TypeMode (Standard, HIBC, GS-1 Data) and Size Mode.
  • Can print, or copy and paste in other software, or export images include: PNG, JPG, BMP, SVG, TIFF, XPM, XBM, PPM, EPS, SVG, etc.
  • Batch Generate: select the batch generated rules, once to generate multiple bar codes, in accordance with the rules, from 1 to 100 or more.
Aurora 3D Barcode Generator 2.10.14 Full Crack

Password: www.fikrishare.com

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