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Senin, 29 Oktober 2012

Tray DVD / CD Protector

Tray DVD / CD sangatlah rentan terhadap kerusakan. Software yang satu ini berguna untuk menjaga Tray DVD / CD agar tidak mudah rusak, software ini juga dapat memperingatkan Anda bahwa masih ada CD / DVD yang tertinggal di dalam Tray DVD / CD Anda. Hal ini dapat menyebabkan kerusakan pada Optik yang ada didalam Tray DVD/CD, dapat juga menutup Tray secara otomatis ketika terbuka dalam jangka waktu yang Anda tentukan.

Features : 
  • Closes CD/DVD drive’s door when you forget to do it.
  • Works on computers with many CD/DVD devices and allows to have different settings for each drive.
  • Helps to lock CD/DVD drive’s door. This helps to protect it from children and casual pressures.
  • Unlocks the drive’s door automatically when you open or close it automatically with help of CD/DVD Door Guard Pro.
  • Helps to lock the drive when Windows starts. You won’t forget to protect CD/DVD drive from crash!
  • Locks CD/DVD drive when computer goes to sleep mode. This helps to protect your laptop’s CD/DVD drive from ejecting its door unexpectedly.
  • Unlocks CD/DVD drive when computer wakes up.
  • Reminds about forgotten disk inside the drive when computer shuts down or goes to sleep mode.
  • Not only shows messages, but can also beep when you lock or unlock the drive or forget disk inside it.
  • Helps you to open CD/DVD drive’s door with hot keys or CD/DVD Door Guard Pro’s icon in system tray.
Download :
Password : www.fikrishare.com

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