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Minggu, 28 Oktober 2012

DU Meter 6.02 Build 3706

DU Meter merupakan suatu pemenang penghargaan utilitas dari Teknologi Hagel yang menyediakan account yang akurat dari data yang mengalir melalui koneksi jaringan komputer Anda pada suatu waktu tertentu.

  • Provides clear graphical and / or numerical display
  • Reports to the export of various file formats, including HTML, Excel, PDF, etc.
  • Strict control of uploads and downloads
  • Compatible with all network interfaces: Dial-Up, Cable, ADSL, Ethernet, etc.
  • Requires minimal system resources
  • Do not imply any changes in your Windows system
  • The function to minimize pop-up definition of velocity in the system tray in the absence of network activity
  • Notify the user or disconnect from the Internet automatically when network activity is minimal
  • Useful stopwatch accurate access time and average speed
Download :

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